WOMEN ON THE VERGE – 16th June 2017- Call for Papers
Transformations in Literature, Gender and Society
The University of Manchester, 16th June 2017
We are proud to announce Women on the Verge: Transformations in Literature, Gender and Society, the first of a planned series of one-day conferences aimed at PhD students and early career scholars from across the Humanities and beyond.
The conference aims to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for discussion, analysis and reflection on the concept of femininity and gender representations, which are socially, geographically and culturally embedded. Furthermore, it focuses on the re-appreciation of women as creative and professional figures within the literary environment and the cultural marketplace (artists, authors, publishers, editors, translators and so forth).
We welcome papers from, but not limited to, the fields of Literature, Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Media and Film Studies, History, Book History and Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Art History and Visual Culture.
Research topics may include:
– Processes of construction, re-construction and negotiation of women’s bodily and cultural identity.
– Constructions of female authorship and dynamics of gendered canonization and marginalisation in literary tradition.
– The influence of social and cultural structures on the role historically played by women in the literary and artistic field.
– The ‘social turn’ in Translation and Interpreting Studies, focusing on re-writing, re-translation and feminism, and the dynamics of gender and occupational segregation in the linguistic labour market.
– The use of translation as a means to assert, reflect and redefine a definition of female identities tied to cultural and geographical dimensions.
Please note, however, that proposals for papers addressing other themes are very welcome. Acceptance will be based on academic merit after a thorough review process.
The conference also invites contributions for a small photo exhibition to be held at The University of Manchester.
Abstract of approx. 250-300 words can be sent to wotvconf@gmail.com
The new deadline for the submission abstracts is 3rd April 2017