Hannah Helm’s (Our New EDI Advocate) November EDI Update
NWCDTP EDI Advocate: Blog Post (November)
Hello NWCDTP researchers! My name is Hannah (she/her), and I am the new EDI Advocate for the NWCDTP. I will be working with the NWCDTP every Monday and Tuesday, focusing on improving inclusivity, accessibility and enhancing the student experience for current and future PhD researchers. In particular, I will be undertaking a thorough review of the NWCDTP and leading on governance, application support, student engagement, and widening participation activities. I will be producing regular blog posts to keep you in the loop with my progress over the next academic year, as well as provide details about upcoming events and opportunities.
Here is some key information for November:
EDI Training
The first EDI Training session is happening this month, which will take the form of a one-hour workshop entitled ‘Introduction to EDI Issues and the PhD Journey’. This interactive workshop aims to open up conversations around what we mean by EDI and the benefits and challenges of thinking about EDI within the context of PhD study. This will also involve an activity that will encourage us to reflect on how EDI issues affect our own personal experiences and perspectives. Above all, this workshop will create a safe and supportive space that allows you to share your opinions and experiences, if you feel comfortable to do so. The workshop will be held online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 21st November. The workshop will run three times throughout the day (9-10 a.m., 2-3 p.m., and 4-5 p.m.) to accommodate participants’ different working schedules and other commitments. I will circulate joining links to registered participants shortly before the sessions, as well as the PowerPoint slides and other materials.
Please follow this link to register for one of the workshops.
EDI Questionnaire
I am currently designing an EDI Questionnaire that will be circulated via email in the next couple of months. Please do make every effort to complete and return this questionnaire, as your responses and suggestions will give me a meaningful insight into your experiences as an NWCDTP researcher and how we can better support you.
If you want to share your experiences but feel that a questionnaire is not the most suitable or accessible data collection method for you, then please get in touch with me. I am more than happy to make alternative arrangements.
EDI Group / EDI Committee
As part of my new role as EDI Advocate, I will be chairing the EDI Committee and meeting with the EDI Group several times this academic year. The EDI Committee will meet online on Monday, 22nd January 2024 (3-4 p.m.) to discuss and address current EDI issues within the NWCDTP, as well as strategies for improvement. There will be further meetings in May and September (dates TBC).
We are currently inviting NWCDTP researchers to join our EDI Group and are very passionate about involving student voices in our decision-making. If you are interested in getting involved with EDI activity and attending the EDI Committee, then please email me to join the Group.
As current NWCDTP researchers, I am ultimately really keen to hear your thoughts about EDI in the DTP, and where you feel improvements can be made (e.g. better resources, greater support/contact, workshops, training). What are the NWCDTP doing well? What is missing, and what would you like to see happening in the future? Have you encountered any issues that you feel need to be addressed?
If you would like to get in touch to discuss any of the above, then please email me (h.j.helm@edu.salford.ac.uk), and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing you all soon!