Jan Connett

Jan Connett

Email: janet.connett@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janconnett/

Thesis Title

In Stitching and in Health: How can an investigation of overlooked textile artefacts made by female patients in C19th lunatic asylums inform contemporary stitch practice and aid wellbeing?


Manchester Metropolitan University


Dr Lynn Setterington
Dr Sally Morfill
Prof Kristina Neidderer

Research Summary

My research will investigate overlooked textile artefacts made by female patients in C19th lunatic asylums to understand the womens’ intentions and the ethos of asylums as facilitators. I will consider how learning from historic practice can inform contemporary stitch practice and aid wellbeing. I will work with women from marginalised communities to widen access to archives and to test and evidence the emotional value of craft-making as a self-reflective tool.

Research Interests

Textiles, stitch, material culture, women’s layered narratives, c19th lunatic asylums, mental health.


Coming soon

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