Student profiles
Stephen M Hornby
Twitter: @stephenmhornby & @inkbrew
Previous Education
• MA Creative Writing: Playwriting (University of Salford – Distinction)
• MSt Criminology, Penology & Management (Cambridge University – Distinction)
• MA Social Work (UEA -Distinction)
• BA Drama & Theatre Studies (University of Kent – First Class)
Thesis Title
‘Writing inter-male sex/uality history plays’
Kate Adams & Lucia Nigri
Research Summary
My PhD is a practice as research investigation into writing stage plays from archive material. The thematic focus of the writing is on sexual and emotional intimacy between men, a topic which has often been ignored, coded or even removed from archives. Writing about historical playwrighting is rare. I shall be researching and writing two full-length historical plays and giving each of them a rehearsed reading. I hope to provide insight into writing from archive and documentary evidence generally, and also to explore the specific issues in relation to gay men’s representation in the contested record of the past.
Research interests
Writing from archive, LGBT history, playwriting, heritage performance, LGBT drama, historical drama
• Die Diana (Hornby, 2016. Write For The Stage Publishing, Manchester)
• Challenging Masculinity in Supervision of Male Offenders (Hornby, 1997. Social Work Monographs, Norwich.)